Wednesday, 15 February 2012

MyPayroll Maybank Version

MYPayroll Payroll System Maybank version with price RM 250 only.
User will able to process EPF, Socso  and PCB calculation and contribution

Payroll Module
Employees master.
Payroll Computation.

Standard Features
Auto Compute salary, O/T, EPF, SOSCO, PCB base on Government Standard.
EPF - Report, Form A, BBCD, Diskette, On Line.
SOCSO - Report, Formb A, 2,3, Diskette, On Line.
PCB - IRB Compliance - Report , Form CP 39, Yearly Tax Report, EA Form, CP8D, 22,
22A, CP159,PCB 2.
ASNB - Report, Diskette.Bank - Report, Diskette, On Line, Credit Transfer List, bank
Instruction Letter.
An effective Payroll System for all type of business an industries.
EA Form printing, Borang E (CP 8D)
Export selected fields to Excel/CSV/Text & PDF format.
Auto Banking - Process Maybank diskette format for online or disk submittion
Exchange Employee No, Transfer Employee Inter Group, Department.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, hourly and piece rated computation.
Export selected fields to Excel/CSV/Text & PDF format.
                                                MYPayroll Trial Version
Remember Restart Computer after install