e-leave is a web-based Leave Management System that streamlines communication between HR and employees and facilitates simple yet efficient management of employee leave and will auto update in MYPayroll System once approved
For Employees,
For Managers/Head of department/Supervisor,
leave approval no longer involves trails of paperwork. e-leave ensures that all leaves taken and leave requests are properly monitored, where everybody can apply and view leave records without the hassle and delay of going through the administrative staff - it's all at your fingertips
E-HR (Web based)
E-HR (Web based)
Allow employee update their own data with limited access such as :-
- Address, Contact No, Religion, Contact No, Marital Status, Info of Family Member, Email address etc....
- System will auto update to MYPayroll System
E-Claim (Web Based)
e-Claim is a web-based streamlines communication between Account Department or HR Department and employees and facilitates simple yet efficient management of employee claim and will auto update in MYPayroll System once approved
For Employees,
this system allows them to easily determine their vacation availability (from any point-in-time) and request claim on-line.
Claim approval no longer involves trails of paperwork and ensures that all claim requests are properly monitored, where everybody can apply and view claim records without the hassle and delay of going through the administrative staff - it's all at your fingertips
Enable employee apply overtime online and direct link with MYPayroll Time Management System
E-Job Application Form
Enable candidate to fill in company Job Application Form at home and direct link with MYPayroll System
E-Payslip (Web based)
E-Payslip allow user to print payslip from month to month once HR posted payslip records.
Employee be-able to print back the history payslip
E-Training (Web based)
User or Supervisor request for the training and 3 approval level and also records all the training records and get comments from user or Supervisor.
E-Appraisal (Web based)